Murray A. Moinester
Emeritus Professor of Physics
Tel Aviv University

Short Personal and Research Bio + CV
Murray Moinester received his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in 1968, and then joined the faculty at Tel Aviv University. He served as guest professor for extended periods at many leading universities and accelerator laboratories, has extensive experience in experimental and computational methods, carried out many research programs in high energy particle and nuclear physics, published some 200 scientific papers in refereed journals, and made some 75 conference or university presentations. Since his official retirement in 2003, he continues researching in the fields of Hadron Physics (pion polarizability, etc.), Archaeology (Multispectral imaging & RHX dating), environmental radioactivity, & soil science (carbon sequestration).
Education + Appointments
M.S. 1963 University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
Ph.D. 1968 University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
Ph.D. Thesis: The (3He,d) Reaction on 35Cl and 37Cl and the Structure of 36Ar and 38Ar
Advisor: Prof. W. Parker Alford.
Academic and Professional Appointments
1988-2003 – Professor, TAU
1980-1988 – Associate Professor, TAU
1973-1980 – Senior Lecturer, TAU
1970-1973 – Lecturer, TAU
1968-1970 – Instructor, TAU
2009-2012, Institute of Archaelogy, TAU, Consultant, Infrared Imaging & Scientific Dating
2008 – Sysconet Information Technologies Ltd., Herzliya, Consultant, Border Control Technologies (Radioactivity)
2006-2007 Eitan-Mehulal Law Group, Herzliya, patent writer, 4 months
2004-2007 Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, Adjunct Senior Scientist, Visiting Professor, 2 years
2002-2003 Mercator Professor, Visiting Professor, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 1 year
2003 Visiting Professor, Institudo de Fisica, Universidat Autonoma San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 2 months
1994-1999 Visiting Professor, Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany, 6 months
1999-2011 Visiting Professor, CERN, Geneva, 6 months
1991-1998 Visiting Professor, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 6 months
1992-1993 Visiting Professor, Laboratori Nazionali de Frascati dell’ I.N.F.N., Frascati, Italy, 2 months
1988-1990 Visiting Professor, Brookhaven National Laboratory, N.Y., 2 months
1981-1993 Visiting Professor, TRIUMF Meson Facility, University of British Columbia, 3 years
1980-1984 Visiting Professor, M.I.T. BATES Electron Accelerator, 2 months
1980-1981 Visiting Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass., 1 month
1976-1977 Research Consultant, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 8 months
1974-1986 Visiting Staff Member and Visiting Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Meson Physics Facility, 3 years
1970-1975 Research Associate and Visiting Scientist, Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay, France, 2 years
1969-1970 & 1994 Visiting Scientist, Université Joseph Fourier, Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, Grenoble, France, 4 months
1961-1968 Teaching and Research Assistant ,University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.
Societies + Awards + Students
Graduate Students Supervised
2000: Aharon Ocherashvili, Ph.D. Pion Virtual Compton Scattering (Advisor: M. A. Moinester)
1999: Igor Giller, M.Sc. Pion Charge Radius (Advisor: M. A. Moinester)
1994:Hartmut Hahn, Ph.D. Pion Absorption on the Diproton at Low Energies (Advisor: M. A. Moinester)
1984: Adoram Erell, Ph. D. Study of Isovector Giant Resonances by Pion Charge Exchange Reactions (Advisor: J. Alster; Assistant: M. A. Moinester)
1981: Alex Doron, Ph.D. Pion‑Nucleus Charge Exchange Reactions on Light Nuclei (Advisor: J. Alster; Assistant: M. A. Moinester)
1979: Shalev Gilad, Ph.D. Design, construction, and performance of a high-resolution π0 spectrometer (Advisor: J. Alster; Assistant: M. A. Moinester)
Membership in Professional Societies
- American Physical Society (USA), Israel Physical Society,
- European Physical Society, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Phi,
- Geological Society (USA), Society for American Archaeology
Academic and Professional Awards
1975-1977: Israel Commission for Basic Research (Grant Number 6439) – Research grant, Study of Pion-Nucleus Reactions
1976-1983: United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation – Research grants, Study of Pion-Nucleus Charge Exchange Reactions
1981-1984: United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation – Research grant, Transverse Electron Scattering from Light Nuclei, Grant No. 2636/81
1987: National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, International Scientific Exchange Award.
1989-1992: Research Grant, Photonuclear Reactions at LEGS (Laser-Electron Gamma Source), U. S. – Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant 88-00492
1993-1999: Pion and Sigma Polarizabilities and Radiative Transitions at FERMILAB, U. S. – Israel Binational Science Foundation Grants 92-00289 95-00431
1996-1999: Chiral Anomaly Tests, Israel Academy of Science Grant.
1999-2002: Hadron-Lepton Interactions at SELEX and COMPASS, Israel Academy of Science Grant
2003: Gerardus Mercator Professor, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
2012: Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection Grant, Radioactive nuclides contamination in agricultural soil and sludge in Israel
View Publications
- Moinester, M. (2019). Pion Polarizability Review, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018), JPS Conf. Proc. 26, 021023,
- Moinester, M., & Scherer, S. (2019). Compton scattering off pions and electromagnetic polarizabilities. International Journal of Modern Physics A34, 1930008 (64 pages),
- Moinester, M. (2017). Pion Polarizability Status Report. arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05159.
- Adolph, C., et al., (2015). Measurement of the charged-pion polarizability. Physical review letters 114, 062002.
- Moinester, M. (2014). Pion Polarizability at CERN COMPASS. European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (Vol. 180, p. 085).
- Abbon, P. et al. (2007). The COMPASS experiment at CERN. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 577, 455-518.
- Ahrens, J., et al., (2005). Measurement of the π meson polarizabilities via the γp→ γπ+n reaction. European Physical Journal A-Hadrons and Nuclei 23, 113-127.
- Moinester, M. (2003). Pion and Kaon Polarizabilities at CERN COMPASS, Advanced Study Institute on Symmetries and Spin (Praha SPIN 2002), Prague, Czech Republic, Czech. J. Phys. 53, B169;
- Ocherashvili, A., et al., (2002). First measurement of π−e→ π−eγ pion virtual compton scattering. Physical Review C66, 034613.
- Unkmeir, C., et al., (2001). Pion generalized dipole polarizabilities by virtual Compton scattering πe→ πeγ. Physical Review C65, 015206.
- Ocherashvili, A. (2000). Pion Virtual Compton Scattering (FERMILAB-THESIS-2000-41). Fermi National Accelerator Lab.(FNAL), Batavia, IL.
- Moinester, M. A. (2000). Pion Polarizabilities and Hybrid Meson Structure at COMPASS, APS DNP Town Meeting on Electromagnetic & Hadronic Physics, Newport News, Va.
- Moinester, M. A., & Steiner, V. (1998). Pion and kaon polarizabilities and radiative transitions. In Chiral Dynamics: Theory and Experiment (pp. 247-263). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Milstene, C., Cooper, P. S., & Moinester, M. A. (1998). Kaon Radiative Decay K+-> mu+ nu gamma at CKM at the Fermilab Main Injector.
- Moinester, M. A. (1995). Pion and sigma polarizabilities and radiative transitions. In Chiral Dynamics: Theory and Experiment (pp. 152-163). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Akhundov, A. A., Gerzon, S., Kananov, S., & Moinester, M. A. (1995). Radiative corrections for pion polarizability experiments. Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 66, 279-284.
- Moinester, M. A. (1994). Pion Polarizability, Radiative Transitions, and Quark Gluon Plasma Signatures.
- Alexander, G., et al., (1994). Two-photon physics capabilities of KLOE at DAΦNE. Il Nuovo Cimento A107, 837-861.
- Moinester, M. A. (1992). Measuring pion and sigma polarizabilities and radiative transitions. AIP Conference Proceedings 243, 553-558.
- Babusci, D., et al. (1992). Chiral symmetry and pion polarizabilities. Physics Letters B277, 158-162.
- Lipkin, H. J., & Moinester, M. A. (1992). Electromagnetic matrix elements in baryons. Physics Letters B287, 179-184.
- Moinester, M. A., & Blecher, M. (1990). Kaon Factory Workshop, TRIUMF, 1990; Electric and magnetic polarizabilities of hadrons via elastic Compton scattering at KAON (TRIUMF TRI-PP–90-60).
View Publications
- Long, S. A., et al. (1998). Spin-isovector giant resonances induced by (n, p) reactions on heavy nuclei. Physical Review C57, 3191
- Pourang, R., et al. (1993) High-Spin Stretched States Excited in (n,p) Reaction at 300 MeV Phys. Rev. 47C, 2751-2758.
- Pourang, R., et al. (1991) Energy Dependence of Stretched States Excited in (p,n) Reactions, Phys. Rev. C44, 689.
- Raywood, K. J., et al. (1990). Spin-flip isovector giant resonances from the Zr90 (n,p) 90Y reaction at 198 MeV. Physical Review C41, 2836.
- Moinester, M. A. et al. (1989). A study of spin isovector giant resonances with the 208Pb (n,p) 208Tl reaction. Physics Letters B230, 41-45.
- Raywood, K. J., et al. (1988). Isovector spin resonances in 90Y from the 90Zr(n, p)90Y reaction at 198 MeV. AIP Conference Proceedings 176, 1148-1150.
- Jackson, K. P. et al. (1988) The (n,p) reaction as a probe of Gamow-Teller strength.”Physics Letters B201, 25-28.
- Yen, S., et al. (1988). Gamow-Teller strength and giant resonances in 90Zr (n,p) at 198 MeV. Physics Letters B206, 597-600.
- Vetterli, M. C., et al. (1987) Gamow-Teller Strength Deduced from 54Fe(n,p)54Mn Cross Section at 298 MeV, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 439-442
- Moinester, M. A. (1987). Multipole decomposition of Gamow–Teller strength. Canadian Journal of Physics, 65, 660-665. , MultDecomCanJ.pdf
- Erell, A., et al. (1986). Measurements on isovector giant resonances in pion charge exchange. Physical Review C34, 1822.
- Irom, F., et al. (1986). Excitation of isovector giant resonances in pion single-charge exchange at 120, 165, and 230 MeV. Physical Review C34, 2231.
- Bowman, et al. (1984) Mass Dependence of the Excitation Energy, Width, And Cross Section of the Isovector Monopole Resonance. Journal de Physique Colloques 45 (C4), 351-355,
- Erell, A., et al. (1984). Properties of the isovector monopole and other giant resonances in pion charge exchange. Physical Review Letters 52, 2134.
- Bowman, J. D., et al. (1983). Observation of the nuclear isovector monopole resonance. Physical Review Letters50, 1195.
- Baer, H. W., et al. (1983). Study of isovector resonances with pion charge exchange. Nuclear Physics A396, 437-453.
- Baer, H. W., et al. (1982). Observation of Analogs of the Giant-Dipole Resonance in Pion Single Charge Exchange on Ca40. Physical Review Letters49, 1376.
- Bowman, J. D., et al. (1978). A High Resolution πo Spectrometer for Nuclear Structure Studies. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 25, 344-346.
View Publications
- Hahn, H. et al (1999). Analyzing Powers and Partial Wave Decomposition of pn→ pp(1S0)π− at Low Energies. Physical Review Letters 82, 2258.
- Duncan, F. et al. (1998). Differential Cross Section of the pn→ pp(1S0)π− Reaction Extracted from pd→ pppπ−.Physical Review Letters 80, 4390.
- Hahn, H., et al. (1996). Pion absorption on He3 at low energies. Physical Review C53, 1074.
- Tedeschi, D. J., et al. (1994). Exclusive Photodisintegration of He3 with Polarized Photons. Physical review letters 73, 408.
- Ruth, C., et al. (1994). First measurement of the reaction He3 (γ,p)X with polarized photons. Physical review letters 72, 617.
- Stasko, J. C., et al. (1994). Radiative decay of the Delta resonance: Analyzing powers for π– p –> γn. Physical review letters 72, 973-976.
- Aclander, J., et al. (1993). Proton polarization from π+ absorption in 4He. Physics Letters B300, 19-23.
- Bernstein, A. M., Nozawa, S., & Moinester, M. A. (1993). Quadrupole amplitude in the γN⇆Δ transition. Physical Review C47, 1274.
- MayTal-Beck, S.,et al. (1992). Proton polarization from π+ absorption in He3. Physical review letters 68, 3012.
- Blanpied, G. et al. (1992). pγ→ pπ0 reaction and the E2 excitation of the Δ.Physical Review Letters, 69, 1880.
- Mukhopadhyay, S., et al. (1991). Pion absorption by He3 at the Δ-resonance energy. Physical Review C, 43(3), 957.
- Ponting, C., et al. (1989). Analyzing-power measurement in pn → π−pp (1S0): Pion absorption by quark clusters? Physical review letters 63, 1792.
- Smith, L. C., et al. (1989). Reaction He3 (π+,pp)p at Tπ= 350 and 500 MeV. Physical Review C40, 1347.
- Aniol, K. A., et al. (1986). Pion absorption on He3 at Tπ= 62.5 and 82.8 MeV. Physical Review C33, 1714.
- Piasetzky, E., Ashery, D., Moinester, M. A., Miller, G. A., & Gal, A. (1986). Pion absorption on the diproton.Physical Review Letters 57, 2135. Moinester et al. respond. Physical review letters, 58, 841.
- Moinester, M. A. (1986). Quark clusters in pion absorption. AIP Conference Proceedings150, 636-639.
- Moinester, M. A. et al. (1984). Isospin Dependence of Pion Absorption on Nucleon Pairs at Tπ= 65 MeV. Physical Review Letters 52, 1203.
- Navon, I., et al. (1984). Pion Double Charge Exchange at 50 MeV on C14. Physical Review Letters52, 105.
- Ritchie, B. G., et al. (1981). Reaction π+d→pp at 20 to 65 MeV. Physical Review C24, 552; Err: Phys. Rev. C26, 2337 (1982).
View Publications
- Blanco-Covarrubias, A., et al. (2009). Nuclear dependence of charm production. The European Physical Journal C64, 637-644.
- Vazquez-Jauregui, et al. (2008). First observation of the Cabibbo-suppressed decays Ξc+ → Σ+ π− π+ and Ξc+→ Σ− π+ π+ and measurement of their branching ratios. Physics Letters B666, 299-304.
- Sanchez-Lopez, J.L., et al. (2007). Polarization of Lambda0 and anti-Lambda0 inclusively produced by 610-GeV/c Sigma- and 525-GeV/c proton beams. FERMILAB-PUB-07-312-E,
- Iori, M., et al. (2007). Measurement of the Omega0(c) lifetime, FERMILAB-PUB-07-011-E,
- Ocherashvili, A., et al. (2005). Confirmation of the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+ (3520) via its decay to pD+K−, Physics Letters B628, 18-24.
- Evdokimov, A. V. et al. (2004). Observation of a Narrow Charm-Strange Meson DsJ+(2632)→ Ds+η and D0K+. Physical Review Letters 93, 242001.
- Pogodin, P., et al. (2004). Polarization of Σ+ hyperons produced by 800 GeV/c protons on Cu and Be. Physical Review D70, 112005.
- Moinester, M., et al. (2003) First Observation of Doubly Charmed Baryons, Advanced Study Institute on Symmetries and Spin (Praha SPIN 2002), Prague, Czech Republic, Czech. J. Phys. 53 (2003) B201,
- Kaya, M., et al. (2003). Production asymmetry of Ds from 600 GeV/c Σ− and π−Physics Letters B558, 34-40.
- Mattson, M., et al., (2002). First observation of the doubly charmed baryon Ξcc+. Physical review letters89, 112001.
- Garcia, F. G., et al. (2002). Hadronic production of Λc from 600 GeV/c π−, Σ− and p beams. Physics Letters B528, 49-57.
- Kushnirenko, A., et al. (2001). Precision Measurements of the Λc+ and D0Physical review letters 86, 5243.
- Iori, M. et al. (2001). Measurement of the Ds±Physics Letters B, 523, 22-28.
- Jun, S. Y., et al. (2000). Observation of the Cabibbo-Suppressed Decay Ξc+→ pK− π+. Physical review letters 84, 1857.
- Moinester, M. A. (1996). How to search for doubly charmed baryons and tetraquarks. Zeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei 355, 349-362.
View Publications
- Adolph, C., et al. (2013). Leading order determination of the gluon polarisation from DIS events with high-pT hadron pairs. Physics Letters B718, 922.
- Adolph, C., et al. (2012). Transverse spin effects in hadron-pair production from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. Physics Letters B713, 10-16.
- Alekseev, et al. (2010). Azimuthal asymmetries of charged hadrons produced by high-energy muons scattered off longitudinally polarised deuterons. European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 70, 39
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2010). Measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on transversely polarised protons. Physics Letters B692, 240-246.
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2010). The spin-dependent structure function of the proton and a test of the Bjorken sum rule. Physics Letters B690, 466
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2010). Quark helicity distributions from longitudinal spin asymmetries in muon–proton and muon–deuteron scattering, Physics Letters B693, 227.
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2009). Gluon polarisation in the nucleon and longitudinal double spin asymmetries from open charm muoproduction. Physics Letters B676, 31-38.
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2009). Flavour separation of helicity distributions from deep inelastic muon–deuteron scattering. Physics Letters B680, 217-224.
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2009). Measurement of the Longitudinal Spin Transfer to Lambda and Anti-Lambda Hyperons in Polarised Muon DIS, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 171
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2009), Collins and Sivers asymmetries for pions and kaons in muon-deuteron DIS, Phys. B673, 127
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2008) The Polarised Valence Quark Distribution from semi-inclusive DIS, Phys.Lett. B660, 458
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2008). Direct measurement of the gluon polarisation in the nucleon via charmed meson production,
- Alekseev, M., et al. (2007). Double spin asymmetry in exclusive ρ0 muoproduction at COMPASS. European Physical Journal C52, 255-265.
- Ageev, E.S., et al. (2007). Spin asymmetry A1(d) and the spin-dependent structure function g1(d) of the deuteron at low values of x and Q**2, Phys. B647, 330
- Ageev, E.S., et al., (2007). A New measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on a transversely polarised deuteron target, Nucl. Phys. B765, 31
- Alexakhin, V. Y. et al. (2007). The deuteron spin-dependent structure function and its first moment.Physics Letters B647, 8-17.
- Ageev, E. S., et al. (2006). Gluon polarization in the nucleon from quasi-real photoproduction of high-pT hadron pairs. Physics Letters B633, 25-32.
- Ageev, E.S., et al. (2005) Measurement of the Spin Structure of the Deuteron in the DIS Region, Phys. B612, 154
- Alexakhin, V. Y., et al. (2005). First measurement of the transverse spin asymmetries of the deuteron in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. Physical review letters 94, 202002.
View Publications
- d’Hose, N., et al. (2004). Possible Measurements of GPDs at COMPASS, “Future Physics at COMPASS” Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, CERN Yellow Report 2004-011,
- Moinester, M; Grajek, O A; Piasetzky, E; Sandacz, A; Color Transparency via Coherent Exclusive ρ0 Production, Nuclear Physics Supp. B105 (2002) 168-170,
- Moinester, M., Grajek, O. A., Piasetzky, E., & Sandacz, A. (2002). Color transparency at COMPASS via exclusive coherent vector meson production.
- Sandacz, A., Grajek, O. A., Moinester, M., & Piasetzky, E. (2001). Color Transparency at COMPASS-Feasibility Study.
- Pochodzalla, J., Piller, G., Moinester, M., Sandacz, A., Mankiewicz, L., & Vanderhaeghen, M. (1999). Exclusive meson production at COMPASS. Submitted to 6th INT/Jlab Workshop on Exclusive and Semiexclusive Meson Production,
- Moinester, M. A. (1994). Two-Meson and Multi-Pion Final States from 600 Gev Pion Interactions.
View Publications
- Celler, A., et al. (1993) Search for Gamow-Teller strength in the continuum via the He3(n,p)3H reaction at 288 MeV. Physical Review C 47,1563-1570
- Moinester, M., et al. (1987). Pion Single Charge Exchange on Deuterium Paper C-72, Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 1987.
- Leitch, M. J., et al. (1986). Pion single charge exchange angular distributions at Tπ = 48 MeV. Physical Review C33, 278.
- Irom, F., et al. (1985). Pion single charge exchange on Li7 at low energies. Physical Review C31, 1464.
- Cooper, M. D., et al. (1984). Angular Distribution for N 15 (π+, π 0) O 15 (gs) at T π= 48 MeV. Physical Review Letters 52, 1100.
- Sennhauser, U., et al. (1983). Isobaric analog states in pion single-charge-exchange reactions on and above the (3,3) resonance energy. Physical Review Letters51, 1324.
- Irom, F., et al. (1983). Pion single charge exchange on C14. Physical Review C28, 2565.
- Doron, A., et al. (1982). Angular distributions of single pion charge exchange reactions to isobaric analog states in light nuclei. Physical Review C26, 189.
- Doron, A., et al. (1982). Energy Dependence of the Small-Angle Differential Cross Sections to Isobaric Analog States in Li 7 (π+, π 0) Be 7 and C 13 (π+, π 0) N 13. Physical Review Letters 48, 989.
- Cooper, M. D., et al. (1982). He3 (π−,π0) reaction at Tπ= 200 MeV. Physical Review C25, 438.
- Baer, H. W., et al. (1980). Observation of Isobaric Analog States in Pion Single-Charge-Exchange Reactions. Physical Review Letters45, 982.
- Shamai, Y., et al. (1976). Measurements of the (π+,π0) Reaction on Light Elements in the (3,3)-Resonance Region. Physical Review Letters 36, 82.
- Alster, J., Ashery, D., Yavin, A. I., Duclos, J., Miller, J., & Moinester, M. A. (1972). Detection of Pion Single Charge Exchange in Zirconium. Physical Review Letters, 28, 313.
View Publications
- Gilad, S., Cochavi, S., Moinester, M. A., Alster, J., Buenerd, M., & Martin, P. (1974). Study of the 92,96Zr(d,α) 90,94Y Reactions. Nuclear Physics A233, 81-90.
- Cochavi, S., Gilad, S., Moinester, M. A., Alster, J., Buenerd, M., & Martin, P. (1974). Study of the 91Zr(d,3He)90Y reaction. Nuclear Physics A233, 73-80.
- Moinester, M. A., Finkel, G., Alster, J., & Martin, P. (1973). Neutron hole states in 91Mo and 93Mo studied by the (p,d) reaction. Nuclear Physics A202, 473-496.
- Moalem, A., Moinester, M. A., Alster, J., & Dupont, Y. (1972). Study of the Even Molybdenum Isotopes with the (p,t) Reaction. Nuclear Physics A196, 605-614.
- Ashery, D., Alper, S., Moalem, A., Shamai, Y., Yavin, A., Bruge, G., Moinester, M. A. (1972). (He3,d) Stripping to Unbound Analog States in Tc Isotopes. Physical Review C5, 1729.
- Moalem, A., Moinester, M. A., Auerbach, N., Alster, J., & Dupont, Y. (1971). A nuclear structure study with the 94Mo(p,t)92Mo reaction. Nuclear Physics A177, 145-160.
- Moalem, A., Moinester, M. A., Alster, J., Dupont, Y., & Chabre, M. (1971). The 92Mo(p,t)90Mo reaction at 40 MeV. Physics Letters B34, 392-394.
- Moinester, M. A., & Alford, W. P. (1970). The structure of 36Ar and 38Ar via the (3He, d) reaction on 35Cl and 37Nuclear Physics A145, 143-176.
- Moinester, M. A. (1967). Multipole sum rule analysis of single-nucleon transfer reactions on 51V. Nuclear Physics A94, 81-94.
View Publications
- Dersch, U., et. al. (2000), Total Cross-Section Measurement with p– , S– and Protons on Nuclei and Nucleons around 600-GeV/c, Nucl. Phys. B579, 277.
- Zaider, M., Ashery, D., Cochavi, S., Gilad, S., Moinester, M. A., Shamai, Y., & Yavin, A. I. (1977). Deexcitation gamma rays from the interaction of 70-MeV pions with s− d shell nuclei. Physical Review C16, 2313.
- Doron, A., Julien, J., Moinester, M. A., Palmer, A., & Yavin, A. I. (1975). Detection of He Ions in the Interaction of 70-MeV π− with Aluminum. Physical Review Letters34, 485.
- Zaider, M., Alster, J., Ashery, D., Cochavi, S., Moinester, M. A., & Yavin, A. I. (1974). (π∓,πN) knockout reactions on N14 from 50 to 90 MeV. Physical Review C10, 938.
- Ashery, D., Zaider, M., Shamai, Y., Cochavi, S., Moinester, M. A., Yavin, A. I., & Alster, J. (1974). Interaction of Positive and Negative Pions with Al 27 and Si 28. Physical Review Letters 32, 943.
- Moinester, M. A., Zaider, M., Alster, J., Ashery, D., Cochavi, S., & Yavin, A. I. (1973). (π∓, π N) Knockout Reactions on C12 from 30 to 90 MeV. Physical Review C8, 2039.
View Publications
- Faigenbaum-Golovin, S., et al., (2017). Multispectral imaging reveals biblical-period inscription unnoticed for half a century. PloS one 12, e0178400.
- Faigenbaum-Golovin, S., et al. (2015). Computerized paleographic investigation of Hebrew Iron Age ostraca. Radiocarbon, 57(2), 317-325.
- Sober, B., et al., (2014). Multispectral imaging as a tool for enhancing the reading of ostraca. Palestine Exploration Quarterly146, 185-197.
- Faigenbaum, S., et al., (2014). Multispectral imaging of two Hieratic inscriptions from Qubur el-Walaydah. Egypt and the Levant, 349-353.
- Nir-El, Y., Goren, Y., Piasetzky, E., Moinester, M., Sober, B., (2014). X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurements of red ink on a Tel Malhata ostracon. Tel Malhata. A Central City in the Biblical Negev, Itzhaq Beit-Arieh (ed)., Tel Aviv University.
- Faigenbaum, S.,et al., (2012). Multispectral images of ostraca: acquisition and analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science39, 3581-3590.
View Publications
- Moinester, M., Gerland, L., Liger-Belair, G., & Ocherashvili, A. (2012). Fizz-ball Fizzics. The Physics Teacher50, 284-287
- A. Moinester, A. Somechi, Laboratory Manual for Students of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 1994.
- A. Moinester, A. Somechi, Laboratory Manual for Third Year Physics Students, Digital Electronics, Tel Aviv University, 1994.
- A. Moinester, A. Somechi, Laboratory Manual for Second Year Physics Students,Analog Electronics, Tel Aviv University, 1994.
View Publications
- Moinester, M., Schiffer, J. P., & Alford, W. P. (1969). Multipole Analysis of Particle-Particle or Particle-Hole Multiplets.Physical Review 179, 984.
- Moinester, M. A., & Alford, W. P. (1970). A determination of the f72-d32 effective interaction using multipole sum rule methods. Nuclear Physics A144, 305-320.
View Publications
- Adolph, C., et al. (2012). First Measurement of Chiral Dynamics in π−γ→ π−π−π+, Physical review letters 108, 192001.
- Molchanov, V. V., et al. (2004). Upper limit on the decay Σ(1385)−→ Σ− γ and cross section for γΣ−→ Λπ−. Physics Letters B590, 161-169.
- Moinester, M. (2002). Hybrid Meson Production via Pion Scattering from the Nuclear Coulomb Field. “Future Physics at COMPASS” Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, CERN Yellow Report 2004-011,,
- Molchanov, V. V., et al. (2001). Radiative decay width of the a2 (1320)−Physics Letters B521, 171-180.
- Moinester, M., & Chung, S. U. (2000). Hybrid meson structure at COMPASS.
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Electron Scattering
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Pion Elastic & Inelastic Scattering
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